The Mesquite-Toes are mentoring the Mesquite Kids on Stage Dancers who are practicing for the up-coming KOS production of the “Disney Spectacular” show which will be performed in the Mesquite Community Theatre on July 2nd and 3rd. This summer production has become an annual event that children in Mesquite look forward to each year. There are 43 children involved with the show this year and will be sharing their amazing talents: singing and dancing their way into your hearts! Vicki Eckman, Judy Brittain and Claudette Rellas, all members of the Mesquite-Toes, are working with the dancers, teaching them some amazing choreography and encouraging them in their dance endeavors. The Mesquite-Toes are loaning several costumes, and thorough individual donations from team members have purchased and/or loaned ballet and tap shoes for some of the children, and have purchased or loaned props needed for some of the dance members.

Dancers practice “Beauty and the Beast.” Left to Right: Talia, Brianna, Tori and Britney.

Kids on Stage Dancers as chimney sweeps, practice “Chim Chim Cher-ee” for the KOS Disney Spectacular.

Kids on Stage Dancers practice their tap dance for “Step in Time” in the KOS Disney Spectacular
Kids on Stage is a children’s theater sponsored by the Mesquite Arts Council and has many of their members involved. It is the brain-storm of long time children’s advocate, Susan Bennett, who is the production director of this performance. With the help of music co-directors, Cathy McCann and Jenny Bennett, this show promises to be the best one yet! Riser choreography is being done by Cathy McCann and dance choreography is being shared by Vicki Eckman, Julie Goodsell and pat Reber. Karen Walsh is teaching the children some sign language to do with one of the songs. Aleta Ruth and Gwen Olson are production assistance and can be found anywhere help is needed.
Please mark your calendars for July 2nd and 3rd and get out to see our Mesquite children perform. Tickets are available at the Community Theatre box office and at local ticket outlets: Chamber of Commerce, Mesquite Fine Arts Gallery and Danielle’s Chocolates. They will also be available for purchase on hour before show time.
Please mark your calendars for July 2nd and 3rd and get out to see our Mesquite children perform. Tickets are available at the Community Theatre box office and at local ticket outlets: Chamber of Commerce, Mesquite Fine Arts Gallery and Danielle’s Chocolates. They will also be available for purchase on hour before show time.